Click fraud- the difference between display and search advertising on a tight budget

A recent article at the WSJ by Suzanne Vranica must alarm digital marketers  as she writes about A "Crisis" in Online Ads : One third of traffic is bogus. This as digital advertising climbs to $50 billion this year. An earlier WSJ piece on phony traffic, clarifies that it is the display advertising where problemsContinue reading “Click fraud- the difference between display and search advertising on a tight budget”

RadioShack and now Staples: Five steps for retail businesses in the Internet Knowledge Economy

That Staples will close 224 stores by the end of the year is shocking just after the news that Radio Shack is closing 1000 stores. Shocking because a way of life in American strip malls and malls is changing- just as a Dollar Store replaced Circuit City a few years ago at our nearby Mall.Continue reading “RadioShack and now Staples: Five steps for retail businesses in the Internet Knowledge Economy”

Five 2014 Website Resolutions for Non-Profits and Businesses

As we get into the 2014 New Year, here are five website resolutions for  non-profits and businesses. But why do we need a list of website  resolutions for 2014? Because coming out of the great recession, people check out your website before and after they visit your physical organization. If you see some great productsContinue reading “Five 2014 Website Resolutions for Non-Profits and Businesses”

Power did not corrupt Mandela: lesson in leadership

Every leader in business or public life must wonder at the enormous global goodwill and affection on display at the Nelson Mandela funeral today. What was it in Mandela that inspired people worldwide? Mandela was one leader who power did not corrupt. But first some background about the quote ” Power tends to corrupt andContinue reading “Power did not corrupt Mandela: lesson in leadership”

Black Friday is in the Red as Cyber Monday posts 21% growth

Black Friday is the day that traditional retailers turn a profit (i.e. numbers turn black from red) after being in the red throughout the year. For the last few years with the growth of Internet and online buying Monday has been named Cyber Monday.This year seems to be a decisive turning point. According to ShopperContinue reading “Black Friday is in the Red as Cyber Monday posts 21% growth”

Michigan to start online lottery sales: what effect on consumers and retailers?

Ever since Detroit, Michigan declared bankruptcy – one tends to feel concerned about Michigan and its finances. The recent announcement that Michigan will start selling lottery tickets online by 2014,seems like a good move from a state revenue point of view. In fact, states like Illinois and New York also want to move lotteries onlineContinue reading “Michigan to start online lottery sales: what effect on consumers and retailers?”

Fitch warning : why B2C and B2B would react differently to a 100 point credit score drop If you got a message, in the US, from one of the B2C  credit scoring agencies like Experian, TransUnion or Equifax- that you needed to pay some bills else your credit score would decline by 100 points… you will take take notice. You'd be even more  alarmed if you had a perfect 850 creditContinue reading “Fitch warning : why B2C and B2B would react differently to a 100 point credit score drop”

Why did Grand Theft Auto V Video Game sell over $1Billion in 3 days?

The runaway success of Grand Theft Auto  V (GTA-V) as the biggest ever entertainment product begs the question why ? An earlier post on Entertainment:video game industry three times music and double movie industry, had proved popular, but the potential role of video games in promoting violence had reduced the enthusiasm of this blog fromContinue reading “Why did Grand Theft Auto V Video Game sell over $1Billion in 3 days?”

US poverty rises: a focus on “good jobs” is needed Visit for breaking news, world news, and news about the economy US poverty has risen from 46.2 million in 2011 to 46.5 million in 2012 and is at 15% of the population. Poverty in 2012 was defined as a family income of $23,494 for a family of four. Clearly, the bottom of theContinue reading “US poverty rises: a focus on “good jobs” is needed”

Evoked Brand Set: The easy way of surrogate branding through better search ranking

The “evoked set” is the set of brands you think of when you have a buying need. If you are in the market for a car it’s very likely that you have 3-4 car brands (Ford,GM,Toyota etc.) in mind as you start checking them out. In the old days, well let’s say till 1990’s, only big brands could afford to spend those millions on TV and traditional media advertising to build up a particular brand. So if you were Ford Motor Company , your goal was to get into the evoked set and have the customer visit the dealer showroom. To achieve this goal all kinds of advertising including sports sponsorships, community events, newspaper and magazine advertising, radio and billboards was supposed to help.